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The B4100 near Souldern

The B4100 near Souldern

Ghostly Morris 1000 Traveller at Souldern

27 May 2021 (Updated 20 September 2022)

The B4100 Bicester to Banbury road has been the site of a curious haunting involving a disappearing car.

The vehicle is reported to be a Morris 1000 Traveller, a distractive wood-panelled estate-style car produced in England between 1954 and 1971.

Supernatural sightings

The vehicle is seen stopped in the road at night with no headlights on, but when other motorists attempt to approach it or drive past it, the car suddenly vanishes.

There have been two separate reports from people claiming to have encountered the ghostly vehicle, in 1963 and then 20 years later in 1983. In both cases, the encounter took place on a foggy night in November.

The location for the second of these encounters was reported to have been in the vicinity of The Bear public house. The Bear is sadly no more, having been converted into a private residence, but drivers passing by on a foggy November night would be wise to take care!
