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Explore - 'banbury'

A map of Banbury circa 1900

Man assaults woman, claims to be bulldog

22 November 2021

North Bar Street, Banbury

In 1873 Richard Eden assaulted Elizabeth Gunn in North Bar Street, Banbury. At his trial, he made some startling claims.

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Wellington Bomber

Unexplained Air Crash at Bodicote

26 August 2021

Bodicote, Banbury

In December 1942 a Wellington Bomber crashed near Bodicote, resulting in the death of six young airmen. What caused the crash has never been explained.

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Clattercote Priory

The Leper Hospital at Clattercote Priory

6 August 2021

Clattercote Priory Farm, Claydon, Banbury

The Gilbertine Order at Clattercote provided shelter and treatment for those suffering from leprosy.

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Horley map

'She dared me to do it': Murder at Horley

11 June 2021

Horley, Banbury

In May 1952 Oliver Butler strangled Rose Meadows. He told police she was obsessed with death and had egged him on to killer her. Was he telling the truth?

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Whatley Hall Hotel, Banbury

Ghosts of the Whately Hall Hotel, Banbury

16 May 2021

17-19 Horse Fair, Banbury

This 17th-century hotel in the centre of Banbury is believed to be haunted by a Catholic Priest who was the victim of a cruel prank.

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Banbury Cross and Horse Fair

A Statue to Dagon at Banbury?

14 April 2021

Banbury Cross, A361, Banbury

In July 1600 the High Cross at Banbury was pulled down by Puritans, who considered the images thereon a form a pagan idolatry.

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A Murder at Williamscot

30 March 2021

Williamscot, near Banbury

In January 1852 a young Italian immigrant told authorities in Banbury that robbers had killed his uncle. However, the truth was very different...

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