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Explore - 'witches'

Woodcut of Witches

James Jagger, Magical Cunning Man of Bicester

10 January 2022

Priory Road, Bicester

Eighteenth-century cunning man James Jagger was famed in Bicester for his ability to magically find lost objects and detect thieves.

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Mists in the Evenlode valley at Swinbrook.

The Ghost of Swinbrook Bridge

4 August 2021

The Bridge, Swinbrook

Could the bridge at Swinbrook be haunted by the ghost of a young woman searching for her baby?

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Matthew Hopkins Witch Finder General

Foxes and Witches in Kirtlington

8 March 2021


The popular belief that witches could turn themselves into animals is at the centre of this legend about a local Kirtlington woman.

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