4 June 2021
Barton Park, A4260
In the grounds of Barton Park can be found the remains of a long barrow marked by a group of stones. Move these stones at your peril!
1 June 2021
The Trout Inn, Godstow Road, Wolvercote
The ghost of 'Fair Rosamund' Clifford, mistress to Henry II, is said to haunt the scene of their secret trysts at the Trout Inn at Godstow.
31 May 2021
Christ Church College, St Aldates, Oxford
After a drunken dinner party, members of the exclusive Bullingdon Club smashed all 468 windows in the main quad at Christ Church College.
30 May 2021
Dorchester Abbey, High St, Dorchester
After St Birinus was killed by a snake bite, a local legend states that no snake can live within earshot of the bell at Dorchester Abbey.
29 May 2021
Asthall Manor, Asthall
Asthall has its own variant on the classic phantom hitch-hiker urban legend concerning a vanishing 'gypsy-like' girl.
28 May 2021
Troy Farm, Somerton
The Troy Maze at Somerton is a rare example of a genuine post-medieval turf maze in England.
27 May 2021
B4100 near Souldern
The B4100 Bicester to Banbury road near Souldern is the site of a curious haunting involving a disappearing car!
26 May 2021
Sandford Lock, Sandford-on-Thames, Oxford
The weir known as Sandford Lasher has a terrible reputation for taking the lives of unwary swimmers, including the boy who inspired 'Peter Pan'.
25 May 2021
Old Road, Shotover Country Park
The old road through Shotover Forest was in the past notorious as a haunt of highwaymen looking to steal from unwary travellers.
24 May 2021
Wolvercote, Oxford
When accused of stealing a duck Thomas Beesley denied it, but 'He was proved a liar by the loud quacking coming from his coat pocket'!