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The Thames - Aylesbury road

The Murder and Ghost of William Noble Edden

30 January 2023

St. Mary's Church, Thame

Murderer, clairvoyant visions and ghosts all come together is twisting, turning tale from 1828.

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Swinbrook Manor

The Highwaymen of Swinbrook Manor

13 January 2023

Swinbrook Manor, Swinbrook

In 1806 Swinbrook locals started to believe there was something decidedly odd about the new tenants for Swinbrook Manor...

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The White Mark, Watlington Hill

The White Mark of Watlington Hill

11 January 2023

Watlington Chalk Pit (nature reserve)

While Watlington's own huge chalk hill carving might not rival that at Wilmington or Uffington, it has an amusing story behind it that deserved to be more widely known.

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The door of the Old Vicarage, Burford

Ghosts of the Old Vicarage, Burford

10 January 2023

8 High Street, Burford

The history of the Old Vicarage in Burford is full of ghosts, and possibly even murders!

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A map from 1944 showing Black Jack's Hole

The Legend of Black Jack's Hole

10 January 2023

River Thames between Godstow and Binsey

This bend in the River Thames between Binsey and Godstow is named for a legendary goblin-like figure who was said to lure swimmers to a watery grave!

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Airmen's Bridge, Wolvercote

Two die in 1912 aeroplane crash at Wolvercote

10 January 2023

Godstow Road, Wolvercote

At plaque on a bridge between Wolvercote and Godstow commemorates two members of the Royal Flying Corps who lost their lives here in 1912.

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Church of St. Agatha, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell

Murder at St. Agatha's: Death comes to Brightwell

6 January 2023

Parish church of St. Agatha, Church Lane, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell

The church of St. Agatha at Brightwell-cum-Sotwell was the scene of a grizzly murder in 1507, when the parish priest was stabbed to death at the alter.

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Black dog 2

The Black Dog of Wilcote Woods

1 January 2023

Wilcote, West Oxfordshire

According to legend, a ritual involving priests, babies, bells, and ponds was used to lay the ghostly black dog that once terrorised Wilcote.

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The Bell Hotel, Faringdon

Ghosts of the Bell Hotel, Faringdon

30 December 2022

The Bell Hotel, 13 Market Place, Faringdon

This hotel is said to be haunted by the ghosts of either Cistercian monks, or mutinying soldiers from the English Civil War.

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A map of Christmas Common, circa 1960

Ghostly Horse Rider at Christmas Common

14 December 2022

Christmas Common

The hamlet of Christmas Common is said to be haunted by a ghostly horse and rider who startles drivers before disappearing into thin air.

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