The Swing Riots in Oxfordshire
20 August 2021
St. Helen's Church, Church Road, Benson
In November 1830, unrest over poor pay and conditions for England's rural population boiled over into rioting, arson and vandalism.
Attempted Murder at University College
19 August 2021
Master's Lodge, Logic Lane, Oxford
When Catherine Riordan's relationship with Junior Dean John Haines ended in 1890, Catherine swore 'By God, I will be a murderess.'
A Burned Body Found at Stadhampton
17 August 2021
What happened to Canadian student Thomas Patteson Moss remains a mystery to this day.
Isaac Grubb and the 1867 Bread Riots
3 August 2021
Somerville House, 130 Banbury Road, Oxford
Baker Isaac Grubb incurred the town's anger when it was revealed he was selling bread to the university on the cheap.
Cabbage Theft Ends in Tragedy at Headingon Church
2 August 2021
St. Andrew's Church, St, Headington
A misunderstanding ended in tragedy in 1872, when the Parish Clerk of Headington was accused of stealing cabbages from a neighbour.
A Suicide Buried Near Donnington Bridge
26 July 2021
Donnington Bridge Road
In 1803 the body of a perfidious harness maker was buried at the junction of Donnington Bridge Road and the Iffley Road.
Arrested for Palmistry at St John's College
3 July 2021
St John's College, St. Giles, Oxford
In 1893 a woman was fined 10 shillings for practicing 'unlawful and subtle craft' in the gardens of St. John's College.
Railway Disaster at Bicester
30 June 2021
Bicester Railway Station, London Rd, Bicester
In 1861 a misunderstanding between station staff and a train driver cost the lives of 6 people at Bicester railway station.