Murder and Madness on Blenheim Estate
7 April 2021
Water Meadow Gate, Blenheim Park, Bladon
Petty grievances can get out of hand among people who are forced to work together, as is shown by the murder of William Beckley.
Mary Blandy at the Angel Inn
4 April 2021
The Little Angel Inn, White Hill, Remenhem, Henley-on-Thames
The Little Angel inn is said to be haunted by the ghost of 18th century poisoner Mary Blandy, who fled there after murdering her father.
The Murder of Mary Hanna Allen at Cassington
3 April 2021
Hampton House, The Green, Cassington
A broken love affair ended in tragedy when the wayward Harry Rowles murdered Mary Hanna Allen at her home in Cassington in December 1877.
Anne Greene: Back from the Dead
1 April 2021
Castle Yard, New Street, Oxford
Execution by hanging in the 17th Century was often a messy and imprecise business, but rarely so much as in the failed hanging of Anne Greene in 1650.
A Murder at Williamscot
30 March 2021
Williamscot, near Banbury
In January 1852 a young Italian immigrant told authorities in Banbury that robbers had killed his uncle. However, the truth was very different...
Courtroom Curses at the Black Assize
29 March 2021
Oxford Castle, New Road, Oxford
The 'Black Assize' was the name given to the assize courts held at Oxford in 1577, during which at least 300 people died of an unknown illness.
The Murder of Ann Merrick at Witney
29 March 2021
Meeting House Lane, Witney
"I shall kill Ann Merrick tonight or tomorrow night. And there's another down the street I'd like to serve the same. My sister!"