Ghost of a Hanged Vicar at Chipping Norton
16 March 2021
St Mary's Church, Church Street, Chipping Norton
Vicar Henry Joyes was hanged in chains from Chipping Norton church tower for his part in the Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Rising of 1549.
The Headless Ghost of Faringdon Churchyard
15 March 2021
All Saints Faringdon, Church Street, Faringdon
There are two possible stories of how a headless ghost came to haunt the churchyard at All Saints Farringdon.
Fair Rosamund's Ghost at Godstow Abbey
12 March 2021
Godstow Nunnery, Wolvercote, Oxford
The tragic ghost Henry II's mistress Rosamund Clifford is said to haunt the ruins of Godstow Abbey, Wolvercote.
A Wilcote Haunting
12 March 2021
Wilcote, North Leigh, West Oxfordshire
The ghosts of the wicked Lord and Lady Wilcote are said to haunt the church and surrounding lanes around Wilcote.
The Terrible Tanfields at Great Tew
3 March 2021
Great Tew House, Great Tew
The 17th century aristocrats Lord and Lady Tanfield were despised by the people of Burford during their lifetimes, but are also said to haunt their old home in Great Tew.
The Wicked Tanfields of Burford
3 March 2021
Burford Church, Church Lane, Burford
The exploits for Burford's most notorious former residents, Lord and Lady Tanfield, are the stuff of legend, and terrifying ghostly legend at that!
Mysterious Maude of the Manor at Weston on the Green
3 March 2021
The Manor Country House Hotel, Weston on the Green
The ghost of a nun known as Maude is said to haunt 'The Oak Room' at Weston Manor House, the property now known as The Manor Country House Hotel.
Poltergeists at the Plough Inn, Clifton Hampden
3 March 2021
The Plough Inn, Clifton Hampden
Supernatural events reported at this picturesque thatched inn include doors opening by themselves, inexplicable sounds, 'a sort of bluish light' and empty glasses being upturned in the bar.